So the studio is back up enough that I was able to get out there and do a little playing a few days ago. Its not fully operational, but the ventilation was up, which is the important part. I made these 2 goblets all on my own with no instructor supervision. The first one was an attempt to recreate the yellow one made in Mickelson's class. He had to help a lot with the shaping on that one so I wanted to try to do it by myself this time. Not too bad. The stem has twisties of the new boro glow-in-the-dark glass from Glow Glass ( and Origin ( Shane says I pulled the stem down too thin. I think he is probably right. I just love TALL goblets though :)
The other goblet is a shape I haven't done before. I'm not sure if it would be practical for drinking from, but I really like it anyway. There is a thin line of pink around the rim, and 2 shades of green twisted into the stem. Again a bit too thin, but nice and tall!
I must remember to take them back and anneal them - that part of the studio was not operational yet!
hi Laura... thats just not right.. so sorry you missed the girls make sure you check out Deb Battens tutorial on the new blog... you can find it on the gaffergirls blog.. right hand column .. no one is having a problem getting the reactions they want we Deb tutorial...
mona & the girls