Friday, March 12, 2010

Studio Construction

Well, its been more than just a few weeks! But, we are finally here in sunny CA, moved into the new house, and getting started on some projects. The house has a lot of projects actually, so starting the studio had to wait a bit. BUT, its now under construction!

This is our workshop in the backyard.
Its about the size as a 2 car garage that is a little extra wide and maybe 1.5 cars deep. Pretty big. Part of it will be for Shane's woodworking stuff, and part for the glass studio. Because those 2 activities wouldn't live together very happily (open flame+sawdust=fail), it has to get divided.

Here you can see the first stage: the walls have been framed and the door hung. This first picture is taken from just after you enter the workshop through the side door, still outside the studio door.

And this next picture was taken standing just to the right of the door, looking through the wall. The finished wall straight ahead in the back of the studio is where the table and hood will be located. See the table? Legs are folded up and its leaning on its edge against the crate. The hood is on the floor to the left of the crate. There is a window off to the right, you can just barely see part of the edge of it. That's where the make up air will eventually be routed from.

Here is the construction crew. That's dad in white by the door to the studio and Shane in the flannel by the door into the workshop building. Judy is the bit of orange off to the left - she is standing right next to the window.

This was taken while standing over in what will eventually be the woodworking area. The studio door is on the right and you can now see part of the window.

Taken from the same location as the previous picture, just pointing the camera a bit to the left so you can see the back wall of the studio and the other half of the window. The metal frame stuff leaning up against the wall is part of the hood.